Uni v2 AGF-ETH is an AGF-ETH Uniswap v2 liquidity pool token.‌

xUni v2 AGF-ETH is a token representing the position of Uni v2 AGF-ETH staked to the protocol.

Cake AGF-BUSD is a PancakeSwap AGF-BUSD liquidity pool token.‌

xPancakeSwapAGFBUSD is a token representing the position of PancakeSwap AGF-BUSD staked to the protocol.‌

JLP AGFAVAX is a TraderJoe WAVAX-AGF liquidity pool token.‌

xagTraderJoeAGFAVAX is a token representing the position of TraderJoe WAVAX-AGF staked to the protocol.‌

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