Claiming AGF (For burners, early liquidity providers and UI testers)

Claim AGF and maximize your income.

Step 1. Request rewards

  1. Connect your Web-3 compatible Ethereum Wallet (MetaMask is okay). Make sure that you have the same Ethereum address that was used for token burn, UI test, or early liquidity provision.

  2. OpenRequest rewardstab in the Dashboard

  3. Click "Request rewards" button to initiate AGF distribution for your account

  4. Approve request rewards transaction in your wallet. If by chance you’re both a token burner & UI tester, you’ll need to execute two transactions. This action needs to be done only once. Later you'll be able to claim your rewards as many times as you want.

Rewards start to accumulate at the moment when you've made Rewards Request.

Rewards will be fully released on:

  • Burners - 23 April 2022

  • Early Liquidity Miners and Testers - 20 November 2021

  • You can claim all your awards in one go after the vesting period ends.

Please make sure that you understand that the amount of AGF that is shown in these tabs is the fully unfreeezed number of AGF tokens. But the unfreeze doesn’t happen immediately: in case of token burners it takes 6 months, in case of UI testers & early liquidity providers – 1 month.

Step 2. Claim & maximize your rewards

A. Claim & stake to maximize your rewards

  1. Go to the Dashboard page & find the Claim AGF tab

  2. By default all the users have their auto-stake turned on for 1 month. We highly recommend keeping it to maximize the amount of rewards.

  3. Click "Claim & stake" button.

4. You'll see the amount of AGF you staked on the Boost APY page.

B. Claim & stake LP tokens to maximize your rewards

1. Go to the Dashboard page & find the Claim AGF tab

2. By default all the users have their auto-stake turned on for 1 month. We highly recommend keeping it to maximize the amount of rewards.

3. If you decide to turn the auto-stake off, you’ll see the Stake APY that you lose.

4. Click on the "Claim" button.

5. Add AGF and ETH to Uniswap v2 AGF-ETH pool

6. Stake Uni v2 AGF-ETH LP tokens to Augmented Finance

When the staking transaction is complete, you’ll start receiving boosted rewards, congrats! 🥳

Last updated