Intro to Augmented Finance 🎤

Augmented Finance

What is Augmented Finance

Augmented Finance is a DeFi liquidity protocol on a mission to enable users to lend and borrow any asset on any chain. The multichain future with liquidity fragmentation has arrived. Augmented is building a DeFi liquidity protocol with full crosschain compatibility to merge the liquidity across all chains and let users lend and borrow on various chains simultaneously.


Total supply: 100 000 000 AGF.

Fair launch: no pre-mine, no pre-sale, no ICO, no VC allocation. Unlike Aave and Compound where the majority of tokens are distributed to ICO participants or Venture Capital funds, the majority of AGF tokens is distributed to the Augmented Finance protocol's users who actively use the protocol (borrow, supply, stake).



% of Total AGF

Protocol Users


Referral Rewards


Dev Fund


Ecosystem Fund


Augmented Finance’s tokenomics is engineered to benefit the protocol's users, increase the protocol’s total value locked (TVL), and bolster the protocol's resilience through all market cycles.


Augmented Finance token (AGF) is the native token of the Augmented Finance ecosystem and the foundation of economics, governance, and safety for the protocol:

A user can stake AGF for a period from 1 week to 4 years, and receive xAGF to unlock the following use cases:

  1. Boost Yields (up to 4x) on:

    i. supply and borrow of assets

    ii. staked Uni v2 AGF-ETH (Uniswap v2 liquidity pool tokens), Cake AGF-BUSD LP (Pancakeswap liquidity pool tokens), JLP AGF-AVAX (Trader Joe liquidity pool tokens), SLP AGF-XDAI (SushiSwap LPs on Gnosis).

  2. Get a share of treasury funds

  3. Vote on various DAO proposals and protocol parameters

Supply & Borrow

Suppliers (lenders) earn high APY on supported assets supplied to the protocol, with the highest safety (e.g. supply USDC, earn interest in USDC, and receive liquidity mining rewards in AGF).

Borrowers pay low interest on supported assets borrowed from the protocol, with the highest safety (e.g. borrow USDC, pay interest in USDC, and receive liquidity mining rewards in AGF).

Stake DEX LP tokens

Stake Uni v2 AGF-ETH, Pancakeswap AGF-BUSD, and Trader Joe AGF-AVAX LP tokens:

  1. Deposit:

    1. AGF and ETH to AGF-ETH pool on Uniswap v2, or

    2. AGF and BUSD to PancakeSwap AGF-BUSD, or

    3. AGF and AVAX to Trader Joe AGF-AVAX pool.

    4. AGF and XDAI to SushiSwap AGF-XDAI pool

  2. Stake your Uni v2 AGF-ETH LP, Pancakeswap AGF-BUSD LP, Trader Joe AGF-AVAX LP, or SushiSwap AGF-XDAI LP to Augmented Finance’s staking module to earn AGF rewards (+ earn trading fees on DEXes).

Stake AGF to Boost Yields

Stake: stake AGF for a period from 1 week to 4 years to receive xAGF.

Boost: Holding xAGF gives a boost (up to 4x) of AGF rewards for those who actively use the protocol — supply and borrow supported assets, stake AGF and stake Uni v2 AGF-ETH (Uniswap v2 liquidity pool tokens) or Pancakeswap AGF-BUSD LP (Pancakeswap liquidity pool tokens) or Trader Joe AGF-AVAX LP (Trader Joe liquidity pool tokens) or SLP AGF-XDAI (SushiSwap LPs on Gnosis Chain). The users who stake AGF and actively use the protocol — get the maximum amount of AGF rewards.


Trade AGF on the largest Ethereum decentralized exchange (DEX) — Uniswap v2 or Pancakeswap — the largest DEX on Binance Smart Chain or Trader Joe AGF-AVAX LP — the largest DEX on Avalanche. More exchanges (both decentralized and centralized) will be added later.


The Augmented Finance protocol security and safety is at the high level:

  1. The protocol code is open and thoroughly audited by Peckshield

  2. The bug bounty program will be started

  3. Fast customer support and security alerts

Augmented Finance’s team has developed world-class lending and borrowing protocol to meet the existent needs of users and unlock the intelligent DeFi era. Join us to unlock a new level of innovation in DeFi and power a brand new generation of decentralized intelligent financial services.

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Last updated